For example-----
Esther Ainsworth presented 'Spring Clean' in 2008.
Esther is a practising Artist and DJ currently based in London. Working with sound, audience participation, and performance. Esther's work concentrates on the miniscule details within our surroundings that can become so familiar that they are no longer noticed. Utilising technology Esther transforms information and casts it back into similar or differing environments to create an unexpected disorder. Recent collaborations have included commissions for East Sussex Council, The Ryder Project, New York, and most recently The Roundhouse, Camden.
Spring Clean is an interactive sound performance installation allowing the audience the opportunity to submit materials which will form the content of the work the idea for this piece exists around the mundane, the wine stain, the spillage of milk, dirty finger prints on a white shirt. Every mark made which has a story which we negate or wash away thus recreating the disposable everyday.