The Art Take-Out by the ArtWashers

Art is sustenance for the soul…. so they say…
Open call to all artists to be part of the Art Take-Out.
The only condition being that the work fits into a take-out container!
Dimensions 18x10x4.5 cm

The Art Take-Out night will be at:
Tsang’s Kitchen
Oxford On the 2nd June 2009
from 7-10pm

‘Customers’ can choose the work they want from the Take-Out Menu. 
Works will be on view on the ArtWash website prior to the event.
Customers can then ‘acquire’ this work by fulfilling a pledge* determined by the artist.
The pledge will be the ‘currency’ for the evening.
The Artist will be under the heading they choose as in Starter, Main Dish or Dessert.
The ArtWashers are Ann Rapstoff, Barry Reeves and Kay Sentance