The ArtWash to come...

In 2009 ArtWash will be changing it's 'format'.
We- the ArtWashers- feel that after 5 years of events in one place it is now time to spread our wings a little further.. Events are going to be quarterly instead of monthly and will be in various locations instead of at the Headington Launderette. This is an exciting new venture for us that we hope will expand our activities and be an increasingly useful resource for artists in Oxford and beyond.
Small one-offs will still be possible in the Launderette.
Our main aim will still be to help artists show their work in unconventional spaces.
Watch this space...

ArtWash in December...

will be a very different affair.
more info will be sent out via text.
it won't be in the Launderette.
It will be on the 19th December at 8pm sharp!
To take place in the centre of Oxford- for more info ring 07968 985376

November 2008

what a night...
the basement of "the Brickworks" on the Cowley Road
was packed as we all watched 'Dancing with Kunde'.
Jim Noble- one of the two film-makers was present for an
interesting Q&A session after a quick 'refreshment break'.
It was a great film and nice to be able to hang out after.
Altogether it was a very different ArtWash event but in a way a sign of things to come...